
A complex study of natural environment and the geobotanical map
V. B. Sochava

On the compilation of a small-scale map of a steppe territory of Kazakhstan
Z. V. Karamysheva, E. I. Rachkovskaja

A dynamical principle of compilation a large-scale geobotanical map (illustrated by an analysis of dry-steppe of Orsk-Transuralian region)
I. S. Iljіna

On the construction of a legend to detailed large-scale maps, reflecting the vegetation dynamic
A. V. Mаrvet

Some principles of compilation of a bog vegetation map
T. K. Yurkovskaja

Reviews and information

Sheet-blocks of the «Carte internationale du tapis végétal et des conditions écologiques»
V. B. Sochava

On the botanical maps of the complex atlas of Tadjik SSR
К. V. Stanjukovich, G. M. Sіdоrenкo

Vegetation maps in the «Atlas of natural conditions and resources of the Ukrainian SSR»
G. I. Bilyk

Symposium on the results of geobotanical mapping and regionalization in the Latvian SSR
T. I. Isachenko

In the Scientific counsil on the problem «Biological foundations of rational utilization, reconstruction and protecting of the vegetation»

Symposium on the survey-cartography of vegetation and compilation of the «Map of vegetation of USSR» scale 1 : 2 500 000
S. A. Gribova

Next tasks of geobotanical small-scale cartography and prospects of compilation a survey map of the vegetation of the USSR
V. B. Sochava

On basic principles of compilation of the «Map of vegetation of the USSR» scale 1 : 2 500 000
A. A. Yunatоv

The resolution of a working symposium on the survey-cartography and compilation of the «Map of vegetation of the USSR» scale 1: 2 500 000

Index of papers published in the «Geobotanical Mapping» for 5 years