Nature subdivision: complex and geobotanical subdivisions
V. В. Sосhava
Large-scale prognosis mapping of mountain vegetation (illustrated by the analysis of the Middle Sikhote-Alin forests)
A. N. Кiseljev
Middle-scale vegetation map of the Sub-Ural plateau steppes (Aktjubinsk administrative region)
I. N. Safronova
The new botanical maps of Armenia
A. M. Barsegjan
Pine forests of southern taiga and broad-leaf forest region in the European part of the USSR: their geography and cartography
S. A. Gribovа, Т. I. Isachenko
Reviews and information
The VII conference on thematical mapping
I. S. Iljina, I. N. Safronova
The new geobotanical subdivision of Ukraine
Z. V. Karamysheva
The new book on the geobotanical subdivision of the Arctic and Antarctic
S. A. Gribova
On the publication of the middle-scale vegetation map of the Belorussian SSR
Т. I. Isachenko