Large-scale mapping of the Holocene vegetation
T. К. Yurkovskaya, G. A. Elina
Representation of the space-time categories of vegetation on the large-scale geobotanical maps
I. S. Iljina
Compiling the map of potential resistance of plant communities to the technogenic press
V. G. Volkova
An experience of compiling the large-scale correlation chiono-geobotanical map for the key area in arctic tundra
S. S. Kholod
An experience of the large-scale mapping of the mountainous vegetation in the South-Eastern Altai
В. B. Namzalov
The study of the bog vegetation structure and the dynamics of mire landscapes on the base of large-scale aerial photographs
K. D. Aaviksoo
Large-scale vegetation mapping in the Baraba plain using the aerial and space photographs
A. Yu. Korolyuk
Reviews and informations
The vegetation maps in National Atlas of Sweden
I. I. Payanskaya-Gvozdeva
On the map of the potential vegetation of the Mediterranean
I. T. Fedorova, Z. V. Karamysheva
To the memory of Colleague
Z. V. Karamysheva, Т. К. Yurkovskava
The 5th Scientific readings to the memory of Academician V. B. Sochava
V. A. Snytko, V. G. Volkova