

Middle-scale mapping of vegetation cover of the Moscow District at the ecological-dynamic basis
G. N. Ogureeva, I. M. Miklyaeva, E. G. Suslоva, L. V. Shvergunova

Spatial structure of vegetation of the forb-feathergrass steppe subzone in the Southern West-Siberian Plain (Northern Kulunda)
B. B. Namzalov

The principles of vegetation mapping of the East European–West Siberian tundras at 1 : 7 500 000 scale
I. S. Ilyina, Т. К. Yurkovskaya, V. P. Denisenkov

Vegetation classification and vegetation mapping in the Himalayas
J. F. Dobremez

Small-scale vegetation mapping of large territories: perspectives of using modern remote sensing and GIS technologies, the Indian experiences
N . V . M . Unni

Vegetation mapping in China
Chi Hongkang

The vegetation map of Inner Mongolia, 1 : 1 500 000, China
Yong Shipeng

Classification of vegetation in Cucphuong National Park with the aim of large-scale mapping, Vietnam
Nguen Nghia Thin, Nguen Ba Thu, Tran Van Thuy

Reviews and information

The valuable bibliographic compendium on the vegetation geography and cartography of the Alps
Т. К. Yurkovskaya

The first international workshop on the project of creating the vegetation map of Asia
I. N. Safronova

Resolution of the First International Workshop «Small-scale Vegetation Map of Asia», 2-12 September 1995, St.-Petersburg

Information on the vegetation map of the Moscow District, scale 1 : 200 000
