The vegetation map of Inner Mongolia, 1 : 1 500 000, China
Yong Shipeng
Vegetation of the region can be divided according to five basic principles: 1) genesis (natural or artificial vegetation); 2) belonging to a global vegetation ecoregion (Eurasia coniferous ecoregion, Eastern Asia summer green broad-leaf ecoregion, etc.); 3) belonging to a climatic zone (Cool temperate light coniferous forest zone, Mezo-temperate summer green forest zone, etc.); 4) belonging to a geomorphic landscape (mountainous vegetation, plateau vegetation, etc.); 5) division into formations or subformations with the help of edificators, dominants and ecological groups. In Inner Mongolia 99 formations have been distinguished. Using the above approaches the vegetation map legend has been constructed.
The map has been completed on the base of remote sensing data and the field studies. Its legend has been worked out following the principles of landscape ecology and fully exploiting the satellite images informations. The map quite clearly reflects the dynamic aspects of vegetation, it is supplemented by special legends to show the degree of vegetation destruction under human activities.
In the very conclusion the different aspects of application of the map are given as the basis for resource inventoring, phytomass assessment, the compiling of rangeland map, estimating of carrying capacity, etc. The map provides a sound foundation for planning of sustainable use and protection of vegetation cover in Inner Mongolia.
Section: Articles
How to cite
Yong Shipeng 1996. The vegetation map of Inner Mongolia, 1 : 1 500 000, China // Geobotanical mapping 1994-1995. St. Petersburg. P. 59–63.