Classification and mapping of bioms in Siberia
G. N. Ogureeva, T. V. Kotova
The biocoenotic approach to the thematic mapping was discussing for a long time (Vernander and others, 1959), but up to now there are no maps reflecting the biocoenotic diversity of territories.
The idea of bioms as fundamental ecological units of the Biosphere has been worked out in biogeography first for major divisions on planetary level – the zonal bioms. 6 to 17 zonal bioms are listed in the publications by H. Walter (1968), Yu. Odum (1986), A. Kuchler (in Raven et al., 1990), B. Nebel (1993). Along with that in many publications there is notion of bioms as the large regional ecosystems including the range of smaller ecosystems connected with each other, reflecting the interaction between climate and regional biota and soils. So, biom is conditioned by latitudinal and vertical climatic zonation and exists at the definite ratio of warmth and moisture.
Biom as a unity of the vegetation and animal communities is the complex of natural ecosystems of different levels which utilizes abiotic components of the environment most effectively because of historical adaptation to them. Biom as an ecological unit of the differentiation of the Biosphere in its turn may be subdivided into smaller subsystems – from regional bioms down to elementary ecosystems or biogeocoenoses. The regional bioms reflect the biocoenotical potential of the territory on provincial level better than its biotic components (vegetation and animal communities) alone. The mountain territories have complicated structure of biotic cover. Mountain regional biom, or orobiom, according to H. Walter and E. Box (1976) is the spectrum of vertical zonation of climax communities.
The biotic diversity of Siberia is determined by a wide range of the zonal and altitudinal (belt) systems in plain and mountains respectively. The diversity of Siberian bioms can be classified into four classes of zonal bioms (A – Г) and five classes of orobioms (I – V). Regional groups of zonal types and of orobioms can be distinguished within each class.
For the first time bioms of Siberia are depicted on the map s. 1 : 8 000 000 (Fig.) reflecting the present state of their ecosystems.
Section: Articles
How to cite
Ogureeva G. N., Kotova T. V. 1997. Classification and mapping of bioms in Siberia // Geobotanical mapping 1996. St. Petersburg. P. 22–30.