N. I. Kuznetsov’s scientific heritage in vegetation mapping (to the 100th anniversary of the Geobotany Department of the Komarov Botanical Institute)
Z. V. Karamysheva, V. N. Khramtsov, E. A. Volkova
Classification and mapping of habitats in the northwestern part of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra
I. A. Lavrinenko, O. V. Lavrinenko
Diagnostics and mapping of southern tundra habitats (on the example of Shapkina River key site)
G. A. Tyusov, K. V. Ivanova
Spatial structure of the vegetation cover of the Abrau Peninsula (on the example of the Vodopadnaya Shchel)
M. V. Bocharnikov
Vegetation map of the “Lindulovskaya Roshcha” nature reserve
S. D. Ozerova