Gyalectoid lichens: history and the current state of study
L. V. Gagarina
Gyalectoid lichens have rather a long history of study, which consists of 3 periods: descriptive period (1774–1890), period of traditional systematics (1890–2002), and period of genetic methods in systematics (since 2002). The principal genus Gyalecta was described by E. Acharius in 1808. At present two families: Gyalectaceae Stizenb. (with genera Ramonia Stizenb., Semigyalecta Vain., Gyalecta Ach., Pachyphiale Lönnr., Cryptolechia A. Massal., Bryophagus Nitschke ex Arnold and Belonia Körb.) and Coenogoniaceae Ehrenb. (with genera Coenogonium Ehrenb. and Dimerella Trevis.) include gyalectoid lichens. Totally the group numbers approximately 110 species. No comprehensive taxonomic revision of gyalectoid lichens has been realized so far.
Keywords: lichens, gyalectoid, taxonomy, nomenclature, history of study
Section: Lichens
How to cite
Gagarina L. V. 2008. Gyalectoid lichens: history and the current state of study. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 42: 153–168.
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