New and rare lichens and lichenicolous fungi species for Murmansk Region from Lapland Reserve

G. P. Urbanavichus, I. N. Urbanavichene



87 species of lichens and 14 species of lichenicolous fungi are cited as first recorded for Murmansk Region (31 species) or as very rare there. The annotated list is based on the authors’ collections made in 2003–2007 in the Lapland Reserve.

Keywords: lichens, lichenicolous fungi, new and rare species, Lapland Reserve, Murmansk Region

Section: Lichens

How to cite

Urbanavichus G. P., Urbanavichene I. N. 2008. New and rare lichens and lichenicolous fungi species for Murmansk Region from Lapland Reserve. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 42: 189–197.


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Kirk P. M., Ansell A. E. 2006. Authors of fungal names. Version 2. January 2003.

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