To the biota of aphyllophoroid fungi of Turiy Peninsula (Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve, Murmansk Region)

L. G. Isaeva, Yu. R. Khimich



In total 56 species of aphyllophoroid fungi are recorded for the reserved part of Turiy Peninsula, 42 of them are new for Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve. Six species (Byssocorticium atrovirens, Botryobasidium candicans, Hapalopilus ochraceolateritius, Hydnum rufescens, Hyphodontia borealis, Sistotrema muscicola) are listed for the first time for the Murmansk Region. New localities are revealed for Clavariadelphus truncatus and Sidera lenis, both included in the Red List of the Murmansk Region. Annotated list of species is presented including data on substrates, habitats as well as numbers of specimens in the Herbarium of the Institute of the Industrial Ecology Problems of the North (INEP).

Keywords: aphyllophoroid fungi, Turiy Peninsula, Murmansk Region, rare species

Section: Fungi

How to cite

Isaeva L. G., Khimich Yu. R. 2015. To the biota of aphyllophoroid fungi of Turiy Peninsula (Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve, Murmansk Region). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 49: 142–150.


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