Volume 55, Part 1, 2021


New chrysophycean stomatocysts (Chrysophyceae) for Russia from the Omsk Priirtyshye waterbodies
O. P. Bazhenova, D. A. Kapustin

Thalassiosira kozyrenkoae sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from the outcrops on the Taman Peninsula (Russia)
G. V. Kovaleva, R. M. Gogorev

Infraspecies complex of Thalassiosira incerta (Bacillariophyta) from Holocene deposits of Taganrog Bay (Sea of Azov): Thalassiosira incerta var. strelnikovae var. nov. and Thalassiosira incerta var. fluvialis var. nov.
G. V. Kovaleva, R. M. Gogorev, A. V. Nazarenko


Powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphaceae) of the Fergana Valley (within Uzbekistan): a first annotated checklist
A. A. Abdurazakov, T. S. Bulgakov, T. N. Kholmuradova, Yu. Sh. Gafforov

New data on aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) of the Darvinsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve (within the Vologda Region)
V. M. Kotkova


The genus Rinodina (Physciaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in the Magadan Region (Far East of Russia)
I. A. Galanina, L. S. Yakovchenko, E. V. Zheludeva, Y. Ohmura

New exploration in Koryakia – the lichens of the Cape Goven, Bering Sea coast (Northern Kamchatka, Russia)
D. E. Himelbrant, I. S. Stepanchikova, T. Ahti, V. Yu. Neshataeva

Remarkable records of Micarea (Pilocarpaceae) from the Russian Far East. II
L. A. Konoreva, S. V. Chesnokov, G. M. Tagirdzhanova

A revision of the lichen genus Platismatia (Parmeliaceae) in Russia, with a key to the species
E. S. Kuznetsova, I. S. Stepanchikova, I. F. Skirina, S. V. Chesnokov, D. E. Himelbrant

Additions to the lichen flora of the Kerzhensky Nature Reserve and Nizhny Novgorod Region
I. N. Urbanavichene, G. P. Urbanavichus

Lichens and related fungi of the reserve “Svislochsko-Berezinsky” (Belarus)
A. P. Yatsyna


Contribution to the moss flora of tundra zone of the Kola Peninsula (North-West of Russia)
O. A. Belkina, A. Yu. Likhachev

New cryptogamic records. 7
I. V. Czernyadjeva, E. A. Davydov, A. A. Efimova, R. M. Gogorev, D. E. Himelbrant, V. M. Kotkova, E. Yu. Kuzmina, A. V. Leostrin, E. L. Moroz, V. Yu. Neshataeva, A. A. Notov, Yu. K. Novozhilov, A. G. Paukov, N. N. Popova, A. D. Potemkin, I. S. Stepanchikova, Yu. V. Storozhenko, L. S. Yakovchenko, M. I. Yurchak, L. F. Volosnova, M. P. Zhurbenko, M. V. Zyatnina

Nomenclatural novelties

Том 55, часть 1, 2021 год