First data on plasmodial slime moulds (Myxomycetes = Myxogastrea) of Rdeysky Nature Reserve (Novgorod Region, Russia)
N. I. Borzov, F. M. Bortnikov, A. V. Matveev, V. I. Gmoshinskiy
Keywords: Amaurochaete trechispora, Amoebozoa, Trichia crateriformis, biodiversity, bogs, check-list, species inventory
Section: Fungi
How to cite
Borzov N. I., Bortnikov F. M., Matveev A. V., Gmoshinskiy V. I. 2021. First data on plasmodial slime moulds (Myxomycetes = Myxogastrea) of Rdeysky Nature Reserve (Novgorod Region, Russia). Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 55(2): 361–377.
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