Volume 41, 2010
On some species of Agrostis L. (Poaceae) in Northern Asia
I. Enustschenko
On species of the genus Poa L. section Stenopoa Dumort. (Poaceae) in the Eastern Europe
N. Tzvelev
On position of Carex doenitzii Boeck. (Cyperaceae) in the genus system
I. Shekhovtsova
On specific independence of Allium mirzajevii Tscholok. (Alliaceae)
A. Alibegova, R. Mutrazaliev
Taxonomic notes on Salix L. species (Salicaceae) in flora of the Asian Russia
A. Petruk
Critical notes on some Caryophyllaceae species in Urals and adjacent areas
M. Knjasev
New species of the genus Corydalis DC. (Fumariaceae) from Kyrgyzstan
M. Mikhailova
A new species of the genus Onobrychis Mill. (Fabaceae) from Armenia
I. Arevschatian
The taxonomic review of the genus Linum L. (Linaceae) of the flora of Russia and adjacent states
A. Svetlova
Spurges (Euphorbia L., Euphorbiaceae) of the Boreal Eurasia. I. Section Paralias Dumort
D. Geltman
On the systematic position of the genus Nyctanthes L. (Oleaceae / Verbenaceae / Nyctanthaceae)
A. Filonenko, A. V. F. Ch. Bobrov, A. P. Melikian
The synopsis of the subtribe Echinosperminae Ovczinnikova (Boraginaceae) in the flora of Eurasia
S. Ovczinnikova
On the genus Heteropappus Less. (Asteraceae) in the flora of Far East
N. Tzvelev
Synopsis of the genus Jurinea Cass. section Incertae Tschern. (Asteraceae)
O. Tscherneva
Notes of some species of the genus Jurinea Cass. (Asteraceae)
O. Tscherneva
Records of new and rare pondweeds (Potamogeton L., Potamogetonaceae) in the rivers of the north-eastern Central Russia (Kostroma and Kirov Regions)
A. A. Bobrov, E. V. Chemeris
Alisma lanceolatum With. (Alismataceae), a new species for the Leningrad Region flora
I. Sorokina
Valerianella echinata (L.) DC. (Valerianaceae), a new species to the flora of Russia
A. Seregin
Taxonomic and floristic notes on flora of Piedmont in Italy
P. Pînzaru
Nomenclatural notes
Validation of specific name of rose (Rosa L., Rosaceae) from Dagestan
I. Buzunova
Alphabetical index to taxa names
Alphabetical index to new taxa names