Volume 42, 2011

To the systematics and geographical distribution of Finnish spruce (Picea fennica (Regel) Kom., Pinaceae)
L. Orlova, A. Egorov

On the Russian names of the Magnoliophyta families
N. Tzvelev

Morphological diversity in the Hierochloё repens (Host) P. Beauv. s. l. (Poaceae) in the Eastern Europe
V. Tikhomirov

Notes on the genus Agrostis L. (Poaceae) in the Eastern Europe
N. Tzvelev

On the genus Trisetum Pers. (Poaceae) in the Northern Asia
I. Enushchenko

On the genus Koeleria Pers. (Poaceae) in Russia
N. Tzvelev

Typification of Dactylorhiza intermedia (Serg.) P. V. Kulikov et E. G. Philippov (Orchidaceae)
P. Efimov, P. Kulikov, Е. Philippov

The synopsis of the family Aristolochiaceae in the flora of the Caucasus
G. Kudrjashova

On the some new and critical taxa of the family Chenopodiaceae in the Caucasus
А. Sukhorukov, J. Akopian, А. Zernov

Species of kinship Dianthus cretaceus Adam group (Caryophyllaceae) in the Caucasus
А. Nersesyan

The synopsis of notospecies of the genus Paeonia L. (Paeoniaceae) from the Caucasus and Crimea
Е. Punina, Е. Mordak, I. Timukhin, S. Litvinskaya

Corydalis sochivkoi Mikhailova (Fumariaceae), a new species from Kyrgyzstan
М. Mikhailova

Notes on some species of Brassicaceae in Urals and adjacent territories
М. Knjazev

Notes on some species of the genus Draba L. (Brassicaceae) in Chukotka
V. Petrovsky

The taxonomical review of South African genus Vauanthes Haw. (Crassulaceae)
V. Byalt

On the genus Amelanchier Medik. (Rosaceae) in the European Russia
N. Tzvelev

Geum macrophyllum Willd. (Rosaceae), a new alien species for Karelia
V. Byalt, L. Orlova

New species of the genus Glycyrrhiza L. (Fabaceae) from Siberia
V. Grankina

Notes on some species of the genus Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae) of Eastern Europe
D. Geltman

On species of the genus Mertensia Roth section Steenhammera (Reichenb.) A. Gray (Boraginaceae)
О. Nikiforova

The critical review of species of the genus Stachys L. section Eriostomum Hoffmanns. et Link (Labiatae)
Т. Krestovskaya

Some new and rare species from the Bolshaya Laba River basin (West Caucasus)
D. Schilnikov

New and rare adventive plants from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan
G. Lazkov, A. Sennikov, K. Tojibaev, B. Sultanova

Alphabetical index to taxa names

Nomenclatural notes

Rubus luae Byalt, a new name for R. multisetosus T. T. Yu et L. T. Lu (Rosaceae)
V. Byalt


Alphabetical index to new taxa names

Том 42, 2011 год