Trifolium patens (Fabaceae), a new species to the flora of the Caucasus
K. A. Mammadyarova, A. M. Asgarov, Yu. R. Roskov
The paper reports the first record of Trifolium patens Schreb. (≡ Сhrysaspis patens (Schreb.) Holub) (Fabaceae) for the flora of Caucasus from the territory of Azerbaij an Republic. The plant was collected in 1941 by A. Grossheim, and is stored in the Herbarium BAK. Morphological description of the species and characteristic of its habitat are given.
Key words: Trifolium patens, Caucasus, new record
Section: Floristic records
How to cite
Mammadyarova K., Asgarov A., Roskov Yu. R. 2018. Trifolium patens (Fabaceae), a new species to the flora of the Caucasus // Novitates Syst. Pl. Vasc. Vol. 49. P. 139–143.
Submitted: 10.01.2018. Accepted: 30.11.2018.
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