Genus Corydalis (Fumariaceae) in Yakutia

M. A. Mikhailova



A checklist of 4 species and 2 varieties of Corydalis DC. occurring in Yakutia with a key for their determination is presented. Information on the types of both accepted names and main synonyms, descriptions, details of ecology and distribution in accordance with the administrative division of Yakutia is cited. New data obtained by the author during field research have been taken into account in distribution maps.

Key words: Corydalis, Yakutia, taxonomy

How to cite

Mikhailova M. A. 2018. Genus Corydalis (Fumariaceae) in Yakutia // Novitates Syst. Pl. Vasc. Vol. 49. P. 56–70.

Submitted: 29.05.2018. Accepted: 07.11.2018.


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