Fritillaria tunievii (Liliaceae), a new species from Armenia and North-East Anatolia

E. Tz. Gabrielian



The new peculiar species Fritillaria tunievii Gabrielian with twin flowers is described from Urts mountain range in Yerevan fl oristic region of Armenia. Revision of herbarium collections of related species revealed this species to grow also in Aragats, Aparan and Darelegis floristic regions of Armenia, and even in North-East Anatolia. Description, holotype image, distinguishing features from F. hajastanica (Gabrielian) Gabrielian, F. caucasica Adams and F. assyriaca Baker, the map of distribution of the species and photos of plants are enclosed.

Key words: Fritillaria tunievii, Armenia, North-East Anatolia, new species, distinguishing features, distribution

How to cite

Gabrielian E. Tz. 2018. Fritillaria tunievii (Liliaceae), a new species from Armenia and North-East Anatolia // Novitates Syst. Pl. Vasc. Vol. 49. P. 19–23.

Submitted: 20.08.2018. Accepted: 21.12.2018.


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