Species of Draba cinerea aggregate (Brassicaceae) in the Northern Russia
V. V. Petrovsky
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/novitates/2018.49.71
The paper contains results of fi eld observations of plants and cameral research of herbarium specimens kept in the Herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute (LE), included in the aggregate Draba cinerea Adams s. l. (D. cinerea, D. arctica J. Vahl, D. arctogena (E. Ekman) E. Ekman, D. oblongata R. Br. ex DC., D. parvisiliquosa Tolm., D. taimyrensis Tolm.). The problem of differentiation and identification of the taxa comprising the aggregate is discussed. The distribution of several species is clarified. Three new species are described from the Northern Russia: D. metaarctica Petrovsky, D. tolmatchevii Petrovsky and D. tundrostepposa Petrovsky. A key for determination of the species of the aggregate is given.
Key words: Draba cinerea aggregate, Northern Russia, arctic shelf, new taxa
How to cite
Petrovsky V. V. 2018. Species of Draba cinerea aggregate (Brassicaceae) in the Northern Russia // Novitates Syst. Pl. Vasc. Vol. 49. P. 71–86. https://doi.org/10.31111/novitates/2018.49.71
Submitted: 10.01.2018. Accepted: 05.12.2018.
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