Volume 51, 2020
New species of Festuca altaica affinity (Poaceae) from the Russian Far East and East Siberia
I. V. Enushchenko, N. S. Probatova
Morphology, nomenclature and distribution of Bassia monticola (Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae), a poorly known species from Western Asia
Alexander P. Sukhorukov, M. A. Kushunina
Taxonomic history and epitypification of Corydalis kaschgarica (Fumariaceae)
M. A. Mikhailova
Crataegus gregorianii (Rosaceae), a new species from Armenia
E. Tz. Gabrielian, M. V. Sargsyan
Astragalus habaheensis (sect. Erioceras, Fabaceae) in Mongolia and China
M. S. Knyazev
A synopsis of Euphorbia (Euphobiaceae) for the Caucasus
D. V. Geltman
Floristic records
First record of Corynephorus canescens (Poaceae) in Leningrad Region and its status in Northwestern Russia
A. V. Leostrin
New alien species of flowering plants to the flora of the Arabian Peninsula
V. V. Byalt, M. V. Korshunov
Nomenclatural notes
Transfer of the Kobresia taxa of the flora of Russia and adjacent countries to the genus Carex (Cyperaceae)
D. G. Melnikov, L. I. Krupkina