Volume 52, 2021
A synopsis of Phragmites (Poaceae) for Belarus
V. N. Tikhomirov
Festuca catalanae (Poaceae), a new species from the East Siberia
I. V. Enushchenko, N. S. Probatova
Aspidistra nitens (Asparagaceae, Convallariaceae s. str.), a new species from central Laos
L. V. Averyanov, Khang Sinh Nguyen, Hans-Juergen Tillich, L. I. Krupkina, T. V. Maisak, I. V. Sokolova
Salix ledebouriana forma fastigiata (Salicaceae), a new form
I. V. Belyaeva, V. V. Byalt, O. V. Epanchintseva, G. A. Firsov, N. K. Kovtonyuk, L. A. Semkina
Notes on the samphires (Salicornioideae, Chenopodiaceae–Amaranthaceae) in Madagascar and Europa Island, with further conclusions on their chorology in Africa
Alexander P. Sukhorukov, Maria A. Kushunina, Vitaly Yu. Alyonkin, Jean Hivert, Vincent Boullet
Validation and lectotypification of the names of the taxa of Ranunculaceae described by V. V. Reverdatto and A. V. Polozhij
I. I. Gureyeva
New species of Corydalis (Fumariaceae) from Xinjiang (China)
M. A. Mikhailova
Type specimens of Potentilla (Rosaceae) stored in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Part 1. Taxa described from the Caucasus
I. V. Tatanov, V. V. Shvanova, V. I. Dorofeyev, A. I. Shmakov, A. A. Kechaykin
Seven new species of Alchemilla series Alchemilla (Rosaceae) from the Caucasus
A. V. Chkalov
Oxytropis × bardonovae (Fabaceae), a new nothospecies from the Republic of Buryatia
D. G. Chimitov
A new form of Geranium pseudosibiricum (Geraniaceae) from Central Altai
V. I. Troshkina, N. N. Lashchinskii
Lectotypification of the name Stachys aspera (Lamiaceae)
T. V. Krestovskaya, I. V. Sokolova
A new species of the genus Thymus (Lamiaceae) and a review of the series Callieriani in the North Caucasus
V. M. Vasjukov
Typification of species names of the genus Thymus (Lamiaceae) described from the North Caucasus and notes to the lectotypification of T. pallasianus and T. buschianus
V. M. Vasjukov, D. G. Melnikov
Floristic records
Epipactis leptochila (Orchidaceae), а new species for the central European part of Russia
N. M. Reshetnikova
Three new species to the flora of the Pskov Region. Additions to the «Synopsis of the flora of the Pskov Region» (2)
G. Yu. Konechnaya, P. G. Efimov
Nomenclatural notes
Nomenclatural notes on some Russian orchids
P. G. Efimov