Genus Ettingshausenia (Platanaceae) in the Cenomanian-Turonian floras of Eurasia
L. B. Golovneva
Section: Articles
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Golovnena L. B. 2011. Genus Ettingshausenia (Platanaceae) in the Cenomanian-Turonian floras of Eurasia. Palaeobotany, 2: 127—163.
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Rhomboid platanaceous leaves from the Cenomanian-Turonian deposits of Rurasia are revised. The most part of findings are referred to Ettingshausenia cuneifolia (Bronn) Stiehler. Emended diagnosis of the genus Ettingshausenia and detailed morphological and epidermal characteristics of E. cuneifolia are given. It is proposed to consider genus Ettingshausenia as a natural extinct genus of Platanaceae family.