The morphology and ultrastructure of pollen grains of Scutasporites nanuki Utting (Sashiniaceae, Coniferales) from the Permian of the East-European Platform

А. V. Gomankov, V. F. Tarasevich



Dispersed bisaccate pollen grains of Scutasporites nanuki were studied by means of LM, SEM and TEM. Sacci ultrastructure of these pollen grains was rather peculiar. Sacci were like a thin fi lmy fringe attached to the central body near the equator. They were fi lled with sporopollenin elements of irregular shape and various dimensions with equally various cavities between them. Such an ultrastructure is called as spongy. The morphology and ultrastructure of S. nanuki is discussed in the context of the evolution of early conifers.

Section: Articles

How to cite

Gomankov А. V., Tarasevich V. F. 2012. The morphology and ultrastructure of pollen grains of Scutasporites nanuki Utting (Sashiniaceae, Coniferales) from the Permian of the East-European Platform. Palaeobotany, 3: 5—11.


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