The main stages of the palynoflora in the Ufa and Kazan time in the North–West part of the Timan–Pechora petroleum province

A. V. Danilova



Results of the palynological study of the Lower-Middle Permian terrigenous deposits of the NorthWest part of the Timan-Pechora petroleum province (from the wells 1-Narjan-Mar, 140-Kolguev, Peschanoozorskaya 1/4, Severo-Zapadnaya 202) are presented. Three miospore assemblages are established. They characterize the main stages of the palynofl ora in the Ufa and Kazan time and allow to reconstruct paleoclimatic conditions in this territory.

Section: Articles

How to cite

Danilova A. V. 2012. The main stages of the palynoflora in the Ufa and Kazan time in the North–West part of the Timan–Pechora petroleum province. Palaeobotany, 3: 23—31.


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