Volume 8, 2017
Leafy shoots and pollen cones of conifers from the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Irkutsk Coal Basin
N. V. Nosova, A. I. Kiritchkova, E. I. Kostina
Systematic composition and evolutionary significance of floristic assemblage of the Toptan Formation (Lower Cretaceous, North-East of Russia)
L. B. Golovneva, S. V. Shczepetov, A. E. Livach
New findings of seeds and fruits from Cenomanian–Turonian deposits of Western Siberia
A. V. Hvalj
Taxonomy and morphological diversity of infructescences Jenkinsella co-occurred with Trochodendroides leaves in the Cretaceous and Paleogene
L. B. Golovneva, P. I. Alekseev
The genus Trochodendroides (Cercidiphyllaceae) in the Cretaceous floras of North-East of Russia
L. B. Golovneva, P. I. Alekseev, A. A. Gnilovskaya, D. A. Yudova