The forest belt meadows of the east macroslope of the Kuznetsky Alatau

N. I. Makunina, T. V. Maltseva



The forest belt of the KuznetskyAlatau eastern macro­slope consists of two subunits, namely the boreal-montane and the hemiboreal (sub)belts. In the upper one, the tall-herb communities of the class Mulgedio-Aconitetea are formed in place of the climax fir (Abiessibirica) forest. If being subject to regular mowing or grazing, these tall-herb communities are replaced by the «true» meadows of the ass. Trifoliopratensis—Alchemilletum vulgaris, order Arrhenatheretalia, whereas forest meadows of the ass. Trollioasiaticae—Poetumsibiricae replace the mixed forest composed of Pinussibirica, Piceaobovata, Betula pendula and a few of Larixsibirica in the lower subbelt. With the anthropogenic pressure increase, the «true» meadows of the ass. Filipenduloulmariae—Alchemille­tum vulgaris and then of the ass.  Potentilloanserinae–Alchemilletum vulgaris (Arrhenatheretalia) represent the next two digression stages, respectively. Forest meadows of the ass. Hesperidosibiricae—Poetumsibiricae, similar to those of the forest-steppe belt, are formed on dry sunny slopes in the bottom part of the hemiboreal belt.

Key words: meadows, classification, association, theKuznetskyAlatau

Section: Articles

How to cite

Makunina N. I., Maltseva T. V. 2003. The forest belt meadows of the east macroslope of the Kuznetsky Alatau. // Vegetation of Russia. N 4. P. 51–61.

Received May 12 2002