Syntaxonomy of the alliance Caricion appendiculatae Akhtyamov et al. 1985 (Calamagrostietea langsdorffii) in the Northern Trans-Baikal area
O. A. Anenkhonov
The syntaxonomical survey of the alliance Caricion appendiculatae (Calamagrostietea langsdorffii, Calamagrostietalia langsdorffii) in the Northern Trans-Baikal area is presented. It consists of 2 associations, Caricetum appendiculatae Akhtyamov 1995 and Caricetum vesicato–appendiculatae Akhtyamov 1985, and Carex meyeriana–Carex appendiculata community. The first association consists of 4 subassociations and 3 variants, the second one comprises 2 subassociations and 2 variants. The 5 out of 6 subassociations are described anew. The results of syntaxonomical analysis are based upon 95 releves which are given in the paper. The successional relations between the subassociations and variants are reflected by a homologous variability within the proper associations. As a result of the syntaxonomical composition analysis, the presence of distinct relationships between the alliance communities in the Northern Trans-Baikal area and the Far East is revealed. The regional set of the Trans-Baikalian syntaxa differs from the Far-Eastern one in lower syntaxonomical diversity, also in the presence of several regional subassociations and variants which are absent in the Far East.
Key words: Braun-Blanquet approach, Eastern Siberia, wetlands, flood-plain, Calamagrostietea langsdorffii
Section: Articles
How to cite
Anenkhonov O. A. 2003. Syntaxonomy of the alliance Caricion appendiculatae Akhtyamov et al. 1985 (Calamagrostietea langsdorffii) in the Northern Trans-Baikal area // Vegetation of Russia. N 5. P. 3–18.
Received March 25 2003