Survey of streams plant communities in the Southern Urals
E. Z. Baisheva, A. I. Solomeshch, I. N. Grigoryev
As a result of classification of spring and brook vegetation in the Southern Urals, based upon 150 releves, 6 associations and 6 variants are totally distinguished, and one new association is described. The associations Cardamino amarae—Chrysosplenietum alternifolii Maas 1959 and Fontinali antipyreticae—Cardaminetum amarae ass. nov. hoc loco belong to the class Montio-Cardaminetea Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. 1943, whereas the class Platyhypnidio-Fontinalietea Philippi 1956 comprises the associations Fontinalietum antipyreticae Kaiser 1926, Brachythecio rivularis—Hygrohypnetum luridi Philippi 1965, Cratoneuretum filicini Poelt 1954 and Scapanietum undulatae Schwickerath 1944. The relations of listed associations to the European syntaxa are discussed.
Key words: syntaxonomy, spring vegetation, Montio-Cardaminetea, Platyhypnidio-Fontinalietea, the Southern Urals
Section: Articles
How to cite
Baisheva E. Z., Solomeshch A. I., Grigoryev I. N. 2004. Survey of streams plant communities in the Southern Urals // Vegetation of Russia. N 6. P. 3–14.
Received January 14 2004