High-mountain vegetation of the southeastern part of Tigiretsk Ridge (West Altai)

E. G. Zibzeev

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2004.06.23


A high-mountain vegetation research has been carried out in the southeastern part of the Tigiretsk Ridge (the Altai Mts.). The observed communities totally refer to 14 formations, 10 floristic-coenotic types, and 4 ecological-historical series. Communities of the subalpine vegetation belt and the alpine mea­dows form the cryo-mesophilous and the cryo-hemi­hygrophilous ecological-historical series, respectively. Vegetation of mountain tundras is represented by the cryo-hemixerophilous and the cryo-hygrophilous series.

Key words: tall-grass vegetation, meadows, open woodlands, tundra, fens, Tigiretsk Ridge

Section: Articles

How to cite

Zibzeev E. G. 2004. High-mountain vegetation of the southeastern part of Tigiretsk Ridge (West Altai) // Vegetation of Russia. N 6. P. 23–34. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2004.06.23

Received February 10 2004