Issue 7, 2005


International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. 3rd ed. (Translated into Russian by I. B. Kucherov; translation supervised by A. I. Solomeshch)
H. E. Weber, J. Moravec, J.-P. Theurillat

Calciphyte steppe communities of the Seim River basin (within the limits of the Kursk Region)
E. A. Averinova

Communities of macroscopic green filamentous and yellow-green siphon algae (Cladophoretea) in some regions of Russia
A. A. Bobrov, L. M. Kipriyanova, E. V. Chemeris

Communities of the class Festuco-Puccinellietea Soó ex Vicherek 1973 on the territory of Eurasia
V. B. Golub, D. N. Karpov, A. N. Sorokin, L. F. Nikolaychuk

Meadows of the north-western part of the Kuznetsk Ala Tau
T. V. Maltseva, N. I. Makunina

On syntaxonomy of floodplain forests (Salicetea purpureae Moor 1958) of the Irtysh and Black Irtysh rivers
G. S. Taran

On syntaxonomy of high-mountain meadow steppes in the Central Caucasus, Russia
N. L. Tsepkova

The true meadows of the order Arrhenatheretalia R. Tx. 1931 in Republic of Bashkortostan
S. M. Yamalov

Critics and bibliography

(A review) D. V. Dubyna, Z. Neuhäuslova, T. P. Dziuba, Yu. R. Shelyag-Sosonko. Classification and prodrome of vegetation of reservoirs, floodlands and arenas of the Northern Black Sea Region. Kiev, 2004. 200 p.
V. B. Golub, L. F. Nikolaychuk

(A review) G. S. Taran, N. V. Sedelnikova, O. Yu. Pisarenko, V. V. Golomolzin. Flora and vegetation of Elizarovskiy state reserve: (Lower Ob River). Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2004. 212 p.
B. M. Mirkin, V. B. Martynenko, L. G. Naumova

Contribution in syntaxonomy of South Ural Mts.
A. D. Bulokhov

(Book review) Strelninskiy coast — complex natural reserve / Ed. E. A. Volkova, A. G. Isachenko, V. N. Khramtsov


In memoriam: Yuri Nikolaevich Neshatayev
O. I. Sumina

Выпуск 7, 2005 год