Issue 9, 2006
Ecological and phytocoenological characteristics of high mountain communies of Oya ridge eastern part (Western Sayan)
E. G. Zibzeev, T. S. Chernicova
Treeless plant communities of the East Murman shore (Kola peninsula, Russia)
N. E. Koroleva
Syntaxonomic changes in the plant cover of meadow steppe in the «Mikhailovskaya Tselina» reserve (Sumy Region, Ukraine)
H. N. Lysenko, I. A. Korotchenko
Bank vegetation (Isoёto-Nanojuncetea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea) of the Kolyma River upper reaches, Russian Far East
N. V. Sinelnikova, G. S. Taran
Association Dichostylidi—Heleochloetum alopecuroidis (Tímár 1950) Pietsch 1973 (Isoёto-Nanojuncetea) in Volga river delta
G. S. Taran, A. P. Laktionov
Floristic classification of forests with Fagus orientalis Lypsky and Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach in the Belaya river basin (Western Caucasus)
A. A. Frantsuzov
Research Methods
A review of the modern programs for the geobotanical analysis
A. B. Novakovsky
Critics and bibliography
(A review) D. N. Karpov, N. A. Yuritsyna. Saline soils vegetation of the Southern Ural and adjacent regions / V. B. Golub, S. V. Saksonov (eds.). Togliatti, 2006. 124 p., ill.
B. M. Mirkin, S. M. Yamalov
(Book review) T. A. Popova, L. I. Berezkina and others. Nature park «Vepssky Forest»