16th and 17th Workshops of the International Association of Vegetation Science Working Group for the European Vegetation Survey (Rome, Italy, 22-26 March 2007; Brno, Czech Republic, 1-5 May 2008)

T. M. Lysenko, Yu. A. Semenishchenkov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2008.13.131


22-26 March 2007 in Rome (Italy), in the Botanical garden of the University «La Sapienza» hosted the 16th meeting of the Working group «Review of the Vegetation of Europe» of the International Association of Vegetation Science (IAVS). These meetings are held every spring in one of the European countries and dedicated to various topics.

Section: Information

How to cite

Lysenko T. M., Semenishenkov Yu. A. 2008. 16th and 17th Workshops of the International Association of Vegetation Science Working Group for the European Vegetation Survey (Rome, Italy, 22-26 March 2007; Brno, Czech Republic, 1-5 May 2008) // Vegetation of Russia. N 13. P. 131–133. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2008.13.131

Received December 10 2008


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