Rudolf Vladimirovich Kamelin (to the 70th anniversary of his birthday)

B. K. Gannibal, N. I. Bobrovskaya



Among the eminent botanists, who headed the Russian Botanical Society — I. P. Borodin, V. L. Komarov, V. N. Sukachev, E. M. Lavrenko, A. L. Takhtajan and R. V. Kamelin, attitude to geobotanike was very different, and very nice and it is important to note that the incumbent President of the RBS in 2000, fully supported the initiative group of geobotanical of St. Petersburg, who decided to create their professional journal «Vegetation of Russia».

Section: Chronicle

How to cite

Gannibal B. K., Bobrovskaya N. I. 2008. Rudolf Vladimirovich Kamelin (to the 70th anniversary of his birthday) // Vegetation of Russia. N 13. P. 136–137.