The forest margin vegetation of the South Urals (Bashkortostan Republic)

S. M. Yamalov, S. V. Kucherova



The syntaxonomy of the Southern Urals’ forest margins in Bashkortostan Republic is presented. Three new associations and four communities are described. The criteria of identifying the forest margins communities to belong to the class Trifolio-Geranietea and the eastern border of the class distribution are discussed.

Key words: forest margin vegetation, syntaxonomy, class Trifolio-Geranietea, South Urals

Section: Articles

How to cite

Yamalov S. M., Kucherova S. V. 2009. The forest margin vegetation of the South Urals (Bashkortostan Republic) // Vegetation of Russia. N 15. P. 54–96.

Received October 31 2008