Aleksandr A. Yunatov and his studies in Mongolia (to his 100th anniversary)

Z. V. Karamysheva



The paper is dedicated to the famous geobotanist and botanical geographer A. A. Yunatov and his researches in Mongolia. Yunatov’s scientific activities and his role as an organizer of the science is analyzed. His personal contributions into a study of the vegetation of Mongolia are following: the vegetation cover of Mongolia was described in detail for the first time, zonal and altitudinal regularities of its distribution were revealed, the scheme of botanical-geographic regionalization and the first medium-scale vegetation map were compiled. Author’s research data were published in Russia, Mongolia and China.

Key words: A. A. Yunatov, vegetation, deserts, steppes, Mongolia

Section: History of science

How to cite

Karamysheva Z. V. 2009. Aleksandr A. Yunatov and his studies in Mongolia (to his 100th anniversary) // Vegetation of Russia. N 15. P. 97–112.

Received December 25 2009