A contribution by A. A. Yunatov to the knowledge of the vegetation of Xinjiang (to his 100th anniversary)

E. A. Volkova, E. I. Rachkovskaya

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2009.15.113


Field routes of A. A. Yunatov in the Xinjing Uygur Autonomous Region (West China), carried out by him in 1957—1959, were restored on the basis of the archive data. The description of the vegetation cover of Dzungaria (North Xinjing), Kashgaria (South Xinjing), mountain systems of the East Tien Shan, the West Kunlun, the Mongolian Altai, Frontier Dzungarian mountains is compiled after Yunatov’s field notes. His contribution to botanical geography of this region and the Central Asia as a whole is shown.

Key words: desert vegetation, mountain vegetation, zonal distribution, altitudinal zonality, botanical geography, Xinjiang, China

Section: History of science

How to cite

Volkova E. A., Rachkovskaya E. I. 2009. A contribution by A. A. Yunatov to the knowledge of the vegetation of Xinjiang (to his 100th anniversary) // Vegetation of Russia. N 15. P. 113–126. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2009.15.113

Received December 21 2009