A contribution by A. A. Yunatov to the knowledge of the vegetation of Xinjiang (to his 100th anniversary)
E. A. Volkova, E. I. Rachkovskaya
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2009.15.113
Key words: desert vegetation, mountain vegetation, zonal distribution, altitudinal zonality, botanical geography, Xinjiang, China
Section: History of science
How to cite
Volkova E. A., Rachkovskaya E. I. 2009. A contribution by A. A. Yunatov to the knowledge of the vegetation of Xinjiang (to his 100th anniversary) // Vegetation of Russia. N 15. P. 113–126. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2009.15.113
Received December 21 2009