Issue 21, 2012


Changes of alpine meadow and heath phytocoenoses in the Lagonaki upland (West Caucasus) during the last 15–20 years
V. V. Akatov, T. V. Akatova

On communities of later succession stages of ruderal vegetation in urban territories of Kursk region
L. A. Arepieva

Communities of macroscopic red algae (Lemaneetea fluviatilis) in rivers of the Upper Volga region and adjacent territories
A. A. Bobrov, E. V. Chemeris

Vegetation of Salavat town (Bashkortostan Republic). III. Synantrope vegetation (classes Bidentetea tripartitae, Stellarietea mediae and Artemisietea vulgaris)
Ya. M. Golovanov, L. M. Abramova

Long-term dynamics and destruction of marsh vegetation in the Kolokolkova Bay of the Barents Sea
I. A. Lavrinenko, O. V. Lavrinenko, D. V. Dobrynin

Small-leaved herbaceous forests in galley and ravine systems of Priobskoe plateau (West Siberia)
N. N. Lashchinskiy, N. V. Lashchinskaya

Subalpine meadows of the alliance Aconito delphinifolii–Caricion podocarpae all. nov. in the mountain systems of the norh-east Asia (Magadan region, Chukotka)
N. V. Sinelnikova

Aquatic vegetation (Lemnetea) in Baikal Siberia
V. V. Chepinoga, S. A. Rosbakh

Research methods

Descriptions of new associations and subassociations with limited alteration of floristic composition
V. B. Golub, A. N. Sorokin, N. A. Grechushkina

Use of syntaxonomy to study the anthropogenic vegetation dynamics
B. M. Mirkin, S. M. Yamalov, A. V. Bayanov, N. M. Sayfullina


The notes about two prodromuses of vegetation of Russia (1998, 2012)
B. M. Mirkin, L. G. Naumova

Critics and bibliography

(A review) Habitat Catalogue of the Czech Republic. Second edition / Ed. by Milan Chytrý, Tomáš Kučera, Martin Kočí, Vít Grulich, Pavel Lustyk. Praga, 2010. 445 p.
V. B. Golub, L. F. Nikolaychuk

(A review) L. S. Khaibullina, N. V. Sukhanova, R. R. Kabirov. Flora and syntaxonomy of soil algae and cyanobacteria from the urbanizated territories. Ufa, 2011. 216 p.
Sh. R. Abdullin, B. M. Mirkin

(Book review) L. P. Rysin. The Pinus sibirica forests of Russia

(Book review) D. M. Kireev, P. A. Lebedev, V. L. Sergeev. Indicators of forests

(Book review) A. V. Poluyanov, A. E. Averinova. Grassy vegetation of the Kursk region (syntaxonomy and conservation problems)

(Book review) S. V. Degteva, A. B. Nowakowski. Ecological-coenotic groups of vascular plants in phytocenoses of the landscapes of the basin of the Pechora River


IV All-Russian school-conference «Actual problems of geobotany» (Ufa, 1–7 October 2012)
E. Z. Baisheva, V. B. Martynenko, L. G. Naumova, P. S. Shirokikh


Boris Mikhailovich Mirkin (to the 75th anniversary of his birthday)

Выпуск 21, 2012 год