Changes of alpine meadow and heath phytocoenoses in the Lagonaki upland (West Caucasus) during the last 15–20 years

V. V. Akatov, T. V. Akatova



Six sites representing the alpine heaths (ass. Pediculari comosae–Eritrichietum caucasici Minaeva et Onipchenko 2002) and four sites of subalpine meadows (ass. Betonici macranthae–Calamagrostietum arundinaceae Onipchenko 2002) located on the Lagonaki upland (West Caucasus) were described in 1989–1992 and 1994, 1995 correspondingly. Altogether 250 relevés were made. In 2010 all sites were re-described. Some changes in total coverage, frequency of plant species and species richness of plant communities were analyzed. Two possible reasons of the changes are discussed: climatic warming on the West Caucasus and a sharp decrease in the intensity of livestock grazing.

Key words: heaths, meadows, phytocoenoses, frequency, species richness, grazing, climatic warming, West Caucasus

Section: Articles

How to cite

Akatov V. V., Akatova T. V. 2012. Changes of alpine meadow and heath phytocoenoses in the Lagonaki upland (West Caucasus) during the last 15–20 years // Vegetation of Russia. N 21. P. 3–12.

Received November 19 2011