Issue 22, 2013
New associations of the class Trifolio–Geranietea sanguinei Th. Müller 1961 in the Bryansk region
A. D. Bulokhov
Vegetation of Salavat town (Bashkortostan Republic). IV. Synanthropic vegetation (classes Polygono arenastri–Poёtea annuae, Galio-Urticetea and Robinietea)
Ya. M. Golovanov, L. M. Abramova
Plant communities of perennial succulents in the Caspian Lowland
V. B. Golub, N. A. Yuritsyna
Sand vegetation of Verkhnecharskaya depression (Zabaikalsky Krai)
N. A. Dulepova, A. Yu. Korolyuk
Mire vegetation of the Il’menski State Nature Reserve, the Southern Urals
T. G. Ivchenko
Aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation of Chulym and Kargat rivers (West Siberia)
L. M. Kipriyanova
Plant communities with Arenaria pseudofrigida (Ostenf. et Dahl) Juz. ex Schischk. on islands of the south-eastern part of Barents Sea
N. V. Matveyeva, O. V. Lavrinenko, I. A. Lavrinenko
Meadow vegetation of the floodplains of the rivers Vychegda and Pechora. The order Molinietalia Koch 1926
G. S. Shushpannikova, S. M. Yamalov
Meadow steppe associations of South Urals
S. M. Yamalov, A. V. Bayanov, A. A. Muldashev, E. A. Averinova
Critics and bibliography
(A review) K. Martin. Vegetation description and data analysis: a practical approach. 2nd ed. 2012
V. B. Golub, A. V. Chuvashev
(A review) A. V. Polujanov, E. A. Averinova. Grassland vegetation of the Kursk region. Kursk, 2012. 276 p.
B. M. Mirkin, L. G. Naumova
21st Workshop of the International Association of Vegetation Science Working Group for the European Vegetation Survey (Vienna, Austria, 24–27 May 2012)
O. V. Galanina, T. M. Lysenko
Viktor P. Denisenkov (to the 75th anniversary of his birthday)
D. A. Philippov, O. V. Galanina