Aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation of Chulym and Kargat rivers (West Siberia)

L. M. Kipriyanova



Coenotic diversity of aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation of the Chulym and Kargat rivers was revealed, which was 25 syntaxa of association rank of the Braun-Blanquet approach. Plant communities, dominated by Nuphar lutea (association Potamogetono–Nupharetum luteae) are the most common in the rivers surveyed. Plant communities of Oenanthetalia aquaticae are well represented in the both rivers. The degree of overgrowth is maximal in the upper course of both rivers, and it significantly decreases from the upper course to the lower. The overgrowth was minimal in the river mouth. New association Stuckenietum macrocarpae Kipriyanova was described.

Key words: aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation, association, Potamogetonetea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea

Section: Articles

How to cite

Kipriyanova L. M. 2013. Aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation of Chulym and Kargat rivers (West Siberia) // Vegetation of Russia. N 22. P. 63–77.

Received November 9 2012