(A review) Vegetation of the Czech Republic. 4. Forest and scrub vegetation / Ed. by Milan Chytrý. Praga: Academia, 2013. 551 p.

V. B. Golub

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2014.24.154


Published the last, 4th volume summary "Vegetation of the Czech Republic". The first volume was devoted to herbal and shrub vegetation (Vegetace..., 2007), the second — ruderal, and segetal vegetation of rocks and scree (Vegetace..., 2009), third — water, coastal and marsh (Vegetace..., 2011). In the fourth volume of an overview of natural and semi-natural communities forests and shrubs.

Section: Critics and bibliography

How to cite

Golub V. B. 2014. (A review) Vegetation of the Czech Republic. 4. Forest and scrub vegetation / Ed. by Milan Chytrý. Praga: Academia, 2013. 551 p. // Vegetation of Russia. N 24. P. 154–157. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2014.24.154

Received March 2 2014