Syntaxonomy of cyanobacteria-algae coenoses of caves of Russia and some neighboring countries
Sh. R. Abdullin, B. M. Mirkin
Since the mid-twentieth century, the floristic classification principles are used in the systematization of cyanobacterial-algal coenoses (CAC) (Margalef, 1949; Bukhtiyarova et al., 1996; Khaibullina, 2000; Dell’Uomo, 2010; Golub et al., 2014). The types of cyanobacteria and algae communities of the caves have been identified (Roldan and Hernandez-Marine, 2009), but the floristic classification was not applied. Some attempts to classify of CAC caves using the Braun-Blanquet approach have been made, but the identified types were non-ranking, and the amount of initial data for their description was relatively small (Abdullin, 2009).
Cyanobacteria-algae coenoses of 53 caves different in morphology and overlying rocks of Russia and the Republic of Abkhazia are considered. Classification of cave CAC according to the Braun-Blanquet approach was made earlier (Braun-Blanquet, 1964; Mirkin et al., 2000). Prodromus of cave CAC, including 1 class (Mychonastetea), 1 order (Mychonastetalia homosphaerae), 4 alliances (Mychonastion homosphaerae, Nostocion punctiformae, Nitzschio–Naviculion minimae, Stichococco–Klebsormidion flaccidi), 2 suballiances (Nitzschio–Naviculenion minimae, Phormidio–Nitzschenion paleae), 11 associations (Mychonastetum homosphaerae, Nostocetum punctiformae, Nitzschio paleae–Naviculetum minimae, Halamphoretum montanae, Eolimnetum subminusculae, Diadesmiso contentae–Nitzschietum paleae, Hantzschio amphioxys–Nitzschietum paleae, Diadesmisetum contentae, Hantzschietum amphioxys, Phormidietum ambiguum, Stichococcetum minor) and 4 subassociations (Diadesmisetum contentae typicum, Diadesmisetum contentae hantzschietosum amphioxys, Hantzschietum amphioxys typicum, Hantzschietum amphioxys phormidietosum ambiguum), is compiled. Most CAC have a low species richness that caused some difficulties in identifying of the archetypes of higher syntaxa in the hierarchy. Some diagnostic species of alliances and associations are used for diagnosis of the higher syntaxa. CAC of class Mychonastetea, including the only order Mychonastetalia homosphaerae, are formed in the caves occurring in limestone, calcareous tufa, chalk, gypsum, sandstone, lava. These caves can have natural or artificial origin and different morphology. The main limiting factors of CAC distribution are light and moistening. Diagnostic species of the class and the order are: Mychonastes homosphaera, Nostoc punctiforme, Leptolyngbya boryana, Muriella magna, Nostoc paludosum, Muriella terrestris, Leptolyngbya gracillima, Chlorella vulgaris, Choricystis chodatii, Chlorococcum minutum, Chlorococcum infusionum. CAC communities of class are found in caves over the territory of Russia and the Republic of Abkhazia. They have intrazonal distribution.
Communities of alliance Mychonastion homosphaerae including the only association Mychonastetum homosphaerae are found on the cave walls by the entrances with low natural lighting; on sites with high levels of artificial lighting, existing for a short time, in the depths of the caves; and also on the walls of the dark parts of caves. A wide range of light conditions exists possibly, due to mixotrophy. The higher plants are absent. The communities found in caves with horizontal and vertical entrances and occur on chalk, limestone, gypsum and sandstone with natural and artificial origin.
The alliance Nostocion punctiformae also includes a single association Nostocetum punctiformae. Its communities are found mainly on the ground of dark and deep parts ofthe caves, where predominant substrate is clay. The presence of this alliance and the association indicate of the absence of anthropogenic influence. The higher plants are absent. CAC communities are found in the caves with horizontal and vertical entrances occurring on limestone, gypsum and sandstone ofnatural and artificial origin.
The communities of alliance Nitzschio–Naviculion minimae are found on the stream- and lake-beds, in standing or running waters flooded grounds and flooded cave walls of the dark and light zones with natural and artificial light. The higher plants (mosses, ferns and flowering plants) occur in light zones. CAC are described in the caves in limestone, calcareous tufa, gypsum and sandstone, having natural and artificial origin as well as horizontal and vertical entrances. The alliance includes 2 suballiances. Suballiance Nitzschio–Naviculenion minimae with associations Nitzschio paleae–Naviculetum minimae, Halamphoretum montanae and Eolimnetum subminusculae are found in the stream- and lake-beds, cave waters with the presence and absence of flow, flooded grounds and flooded walls of the dark and light zones with high natural and low artificial light. Higher plants occur in light zones. CAC of suballiance are described in the caves in limestone, calcareous tufa, gypsum and sandstone, natural and artificial origin, with horizontal and vertical entrances. Suballiance Phormidio–Nitzschenion paleae is characterized by the absence of diagnostic species; it is an ecotone between the alliances Nitzschio–Naviculion minimae and Stichococco–Klebsormidion flaccidi. The suballiance includes two associations Diadesmiso contentae–Nitzschietum paleae and Hantzschio amphioxys–Nitzschietum paleae. CAC of suballiance are found in temporally flooded grounds or flooded walls with natural and artificial lightening. The higher plants (mosses, ferns and flowering plants) usually present. CACs of suballiance are described in the caves in limestone, gypsum and sandstone. The caves can be natural or artificial and they can have horizontal or vertical entrances.
The alliance Stichococco–Klebsormidion flaccidi includes associations Diadesmisetum contentae, Hantzschietum amphioxys, Phormidietum ambiguum, Stichococcetum minor and subassociations Diadesmisetum contentae typicum, Diadesmisetum contentae hantzschietosum amphioxys, Hantzschietum amphioxys typicum, Hantzschietum amphioxys phormidietosum ambiguum. The communities of alliance are found on the cave walls and on the grounds of the cave entrance light zones or on sites with artificial lightening, existing for a long time. Higher plants (mosses, ferns and flowering plants) usually present. CAC of alliance are described in the caves in limestone, gypsum, chalk, sandstone and lava. The caves are natural and artificial, with horizontal or vertical entrances. The syntaxa can be arranged along the light gradient as follows: subassociation Diadesmisetum contentae typicum — subassociation Diadesmisetum contentae hantzschietosum amphioxys — subassociation Hantzschietum amphioxys typicum — subassociation Hantzschietum amphioxys phormidietosum ambiguum — association Phormidietum ambiguum — association Stichococcetum minor.
Key words: cyanobacteria-algae coenoses, syntaxonomy, caves, Russia, neighboring countries
Section: Articles
How to cite
Abdullin Sh. R., Mirkin B. M. 2015. Syntaxonomy of cyanobacteria-algae coenoses of caves of Russia and some neighboring countries // Vegetation of Russia. N 27. P. 3–23.
Received March 24 2015
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