(Book review) B. B. Namzalov. Steppe of the Tuva and South-East Altai
The monograph analyses comprehensively the steppe vegetation of the southern face of Altai-Sayan mountain area in Tuva and South-East Altai. It gives the regularities of distribution of vegetation in the various sectors of the mountain area with the detailed study of latitudinal and altitudinal-belt differentiation of steppe vegetation. The classification of steppe communities adopts the florocenogenetic approach, based on the cenofloras composition, its ecological, geographic, floristic, and ecobiomorphological structure. The work is the first to disclose a hierarchical spatial structure of mountain-steppe ecosystems; it shows the role of the systematic methodology in analyzing the materials of ecosystems modeling and mapping. The book scrutinizes certain theoretical aspects of creating of natural areas of preferential protection and systematizes and characterizes the rare steppe phytocenoses.
The book is intended for experts in botany, ecology, geography, graduate and master’s students.
Section: Critics and bibliography
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