About science by the language of science, or How not to write scientific papers (an open letter to the authors of the journal «Vegetation of Russia»)
N. V. Matveyeva
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2016.28.3
An attempt has been made to draw the attention of the authors of the journal “Vegetation of Russia” on the style of scientifi c papers, which suffers from numerous inaccuracies (frequent recurrence of words; unreasoned use of refl exive verbs, passive forms, anthropomorphisms, words-parasites; unnecessary complication of the text; uncertainty of argumentation; cumbersome constructions to express simple ideas; and many others). The author expresses her deep assurance that it is necessary and possible to write the scientifi c papers by using both the scientifi c and good literary languages. Numerous examples of bad writing style (in Russian) are given.
Key words: scientific papers, bureaucratic style, negligence in presentation, editing, language of science
Section: Articles
How to cite
Matveyeva N. V. 2016. About science by the language of science, or How not to write scientific papers (an open letter to the authors of the journal «Vegetation of Russia») // Vegetation of Russia. N 28. P. 3–12. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2016.28.3
Received April 1 2016