(A review) B. B. Namzalov. Steppes of Tuva and South-Eastern Altai. Novosibirsk: Academic publ. "Geo", 2015. 294 p .

E. A. Volkova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2016.28.141


The monograph of B. B. Namzalov “Steppes of Tuva and South-East Altai” describes the steppe vegetation of the vast mountain region of the South Siberia. Two fundamental problems of botanical geography and geobotany such as the spatial structure of the plant cover at regional and topological levels and classification of steppe vegetation based on florocoenogenetic approach are discussed. Studying the heterogeneity of the mountain vegetation, the author has revealed the interrelations between vegetation and climate, topography, soils and other components of natural complexes. The advantages of ecological-historical approach to the typology of the vegetation are shown. A hierarchical system of syntaxa of steppe vegetation is given. The book is nicely illustrated including the fragments of geobotanical maps, profiles, block diagrams, schemes of altitudinal zonality of vegetation, as well as color photographs. The book has an English summary where the all chapters are shortly presented.

Section: Critics and bibliography

How to cite

Volkova E. A. 2016. (A review) B. B. Namzalov. Steppes of Tuva and South-Eastern Altai. Novosibirsk: Academic publ. "Geo", 2015. 294 p. // Vegetation of Russia. N 28. P. 141–144. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2016.28.141

Received April 29 2016