(Book review) Lysenko T. M. Vegetation of saline soils in the Volga region within the forest-steppe and steppe zones
On the basis of materials from long-term field studies, new data on the vegetation of saline soils of the Volga region within the forest-steppe and steppe zones have been obtained and its complete inventory has been carried out from the standpoint of the ecological-floral approach to classification. As a result of the generalization of materials, it was shown that the diversity of vegetation of saline soils of the investigated territory is represented by 140 syntaxons, including 6 classes, 10 orders, 1 union, 44 associations, 43 subassociations, 20 variants and 5 non-community communities. The synonymy of syntaxons described in the investigated region is established. New ones are singled out: orders - 1, unions - 5, associations - 34, subassociations - 36; the names of 1 union and 1 association were corrected, it was proposed to invert the names of 1 union and 2 associations, the statuses of 3 associations and 2 subassociations were changed, the name of 1 subassociation was leptotypedified. A detailed description of the established syntaxons and their relationship to relief forms and soils is compiled. The main ecological factors influencing the differentiation and distribution of plant communities of saline soils of the forest-steppe and steppe zones in the Volga region are determined. The intrasonality of the vegetation of saline soils of each of the botanical-geographical zones studied is characterized and its zonal features are established. The analysis of the environmental significance of the investigated syntaxons is performed; As the objects of protection, communities of 14 associations were noted.The book is intended for botanists, geobotanists, phytocenologists, syntaxonomists, botanico-geographers, ecologists, soil scientists, conservationists, researchers, graduate students and students.
Section: Critics and bibliography