Issue 40, 2021
Vegetation of chalk outcrops of Sub-Ural plateau and adjacent territories
Ya. M. Golovanov, S. M. Yamalov, M. V. Lebedeva, A. Yu. Korolyuk, L. M. Abramova, N. A. Dulepova
Syntaxonomy of desert steppe vegetation of Bogdinsko-Baskunchakskiy natural reserve (class Artemisietea lerchianae V. Golub 1994)
A. Yu. Korolyuk, A. P. Laktionov
Carici supinae–Betuletea pendulae — new forest vegetation class in steppe zone of West Siberian plain and Transural Plateau
N. N. Lashchinskiy, N. I. Makunina
To the syntaxonomy of the Middle Urals weeding vegetation
G. R. Khasanova, S. M. Yamalov, M. V. Lebedeva, A. S. Tretyakova, P. V. Kondratkov, N. Yu. Grudanov
Dynamics of vegetation after clearcutting bilberry spruce forests (middle taiga subzone of the European North-East of Russia)
I. A. Likhanova, E. M. Perminova, G. S. Shushpannikova, G. V. Zheleznova, T. N. Pystina, Yu. V. Kholopov
Psammophyte vegetation of the Bargusin depression (Republic of Buryatia)
N. A. Dulepova, А. Yu. Korolyuk
The All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «XI Galkina’s Readings» (St. Petersburg, April 21, 2021)
O. V. Galanina, G. A. Tyusov
Critics and bibliography
(Book review) Nature of the reserve “Severnoe poberezhye Nevskoy Guby”
Paper index of the Russian geobotanical journal «Vegetation of Russia» NN 31–40 (2017–2021)