Vegetation science and phytogeography at the Fourth All-Russian Conference “Biodiversity of the Far North’s Ecosystems: Inventory, Monitoring, and Conservation” (Syktyvkar, June 5–9, 2023)

V. Yu. Neshataeva



Brief information is provided about the Fourth All-Russian Conference “Biodiversity of the Far North’s Ecosystems: Inventory, Monitoring, and Conservation” held on June 5–9, 2023 in Syktyvkar on the base of the Institute of Biology Komi Scientific Centre Ural Branch of RAS.

The five-day conference included a plenary session, six thematic sections and a field excursion to the Ethno Park “Yyb”. More than 120 reports were presented and several modern methods of studying Arctic and Subarctic ecosystems were demonstrated.

Section: Information

How to cite

Neshataeva V. Yu. 2023. Vegetation science and phytogeography at the Fourth All-Russian Conference “Biodiversity of the Far North’s Ecosystems: Inventory, Monitoring, and Conservation” (Syktyvkar, June 5–9, 2023) // Vegetation of Russia. 47: 141–147.

Received October 25 2023. Signed for printing October 30 2023.


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