Maria Kataeva
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Research Assistant
Research interests:
- Tundra – northern taiga biogeocenology.
- Landscape geochemistry.
- Plants hyperaccumulators of metals.
- Technogenic pollution.
Keywords: Geochemical ecology, biogeochemistry, ecology
Education and work experience:
1989-1994 – Saint-Petersburg State University, the Faculty of Geography and Geoecology.
2006 – Ph.D. thesis «Ecological differentiation of plant species of the Polar Urals in contrast geochemical conditions of environment», Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2006-2009 – Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, University of Pretoria RSA.
1995 – until now – employee of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2001. RFBR № 01-04-58610 – participation in Symposium «Biogeochemical Processes and Cycling of Elements in the Environment».
- 2001. Federal Program «Integration»120-1.7 2001.
Member of research team:
- 2003. RFBR № 03-04-49563-а «Differentiation of flora and vegetation on acidic, basic and ultrabasic mountain ranges in the basins of the B. Paipudyn and Makar-Ruz rivers (Polar Urals)».
- 2000. RFBR № 00-04-48562-а «Limestone flora of the Polar Urals: ecological and biogeochemical differentiation of species».
- 1997. RFBR № 97-04-49586-а «Serpentinite flora of the Polar Urals: ecological and biogeochemical differentiation of species».
Conferences and workshops:
- International Scientific Conference «Comprehensive Research of the Natural Environment of the Arctic and Antarctic». Russia, Saint Petersburg, March 2-4, 2020. SSC RF AARI. Poster.
- 9 International Mycological Congress (IMC 9) «The Biology of Fungi». UK, Edinburgh, August 1-6, 2010. Poster.
- International Conference «Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance». Austria, Vienna, February 8-11, 2009. Poster.
- «Biological diversity of northern ecosystems in a changing climate». Russia, Apatity, June 10-12, 2009. Oral report.
- ISEB 18, «Environmental Biogeochemistry at the Extremes». New Zealand, Taupo, November 10-15, 2007. Poster.
- International Seminar on Soil Genotoxicity. University of Western Illinois, Macomb, USA, 2004.
- International scientific conference «Modern problems of soil pollution». Russia, Moscow, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, 2004. Poster.
- ISEB 15, «Biogeochemical Processes and Cycling of Elements in the Environment». Poland, Wroclaw, 2001. Poster.
- 3rd Russian Biogeochemical School «Geochemical ecology and biogeochemical study of taxons of the biosphere». Russia, Gorno-Altaisk, 2000. Oral report.
Selected publications:
Kataeva M.N., Belyaeva A.I. Accumulation of heavy metals in epiphytic lichens in spruce forest of middle taiga subzone. International Journal of applied and fundamental research. 2021. 7: 17-21.
Kataeva M.N., Belyaeva A.I. Trace element concentrations in some epiphytic lichens of the south-eastern Ladoga region. Plant Resources. 2018. 54(4): 542-558.
Kataeva M.N., Belyaeva A.I. Mineral composition of several Pedicularis species (SCROPHULARIACEAE) of the Polar Urals and the Kola Peninsula. Plant Resources. 2015. 51(2): 198-206.
Kataeva M.N. Availability of elements in tundra soils on acidic and ultramafic rocks in the Polar Urals. Eurasian Soil Science. 2013. 46(2): 158-167.
Kataeva M.N. Growth conditions and mineral composition of plants in the ecotopes of the Rai-Iz plateau (Polar Urals). Materials of the XII Perfiliev Scientific Meeting "Study, protection and rational use of the vegetation cover of the Arctic and adjacent territories". Arkhangelsk. 2012. 138-140.
Yurtsev B.A., Alekseeva-Popova N.V., Drozdova I.V., Kataeva M.N. Characteristics of vegetation and soils of Polar Urals in contrast geochemical conditions: calciphytic and acidophytic communities. Botanicheskyi Zhurnal. 2004. 89(1): 28-41.
Kataeva M.N., Alexeeva-Popova N.V., Drozdova I.V., Beljaeva A.I. Chemical composition of soils and plant species in the Polar Urals as influenced by rock type. Geoderma. 2004. 122(2-4): 257-268.