Ivan Goriaev
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Research Scientist
E-mail: IGoriaev@binran.ru
Research interests:
- Halophytes vegetation and flora in the Caspian lowland.
Keywords: Halophytes, halophytes vegetation, Caspian lowland
Education and work experience:
2012 — graduated with a bachelor's degree Kalmyk State University
2014 — graduated from the master's degree program of the Kalmyk State University
2018 — completed his postgraduate studies Komarov Botanical institute RAS
2021 — Ph.D, Komarov botanical institute RAS. Specialty 03.02.08 — Ecology (in biology). Ph.D. thesis «Halophytes vegetation in the Caspain lowland (in Republic of Kalmykia)»
2012 — Senior Laboratory Assistant of the department of Physiology and Biology Kalmyk State University
2014 — Research Assistant of the department of Environmental Research the Institute of Complex Research of Arid Areas
2016 — Senior Laboratory Assistant at the Laboratory of General Geobotany, Komarov botanical institute RAS
2020–2023 – until now – Research Assistant at the Laboratory of General Geobotany, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
2023 — until now — Research Scientist at the Laboratory of General Geobotany, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
Grants and research projects:
Member of research team:
- 2023–2024. RNF №23-27-10017 «Geoecological assessment of water bodies of the Republic of Kalmykia and adjacent territories».
- 2018–2020. RFBR №18-05-00688 А «Transvolga-Transural steppes: current condition and cartography».
- 2015–2017. RFBR №15-05-06773 А «Vegetation cover of the Caspian lowland in the system of botanical and geographical zoning».
- 2014–2016. RFBR №14-05-00702 А «Fundamental studies of the processes of desertification of arid landscapes of the Russian Caspian lowland and methods of their restoration».
Conferences and workshops:
- III All-Russian Conference with international participation dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of Professor A. G. Elenevsky «Systematic and floristic studies of Northern Eurasia». Moscow, October 19–21, 2023. Oral report.
- The International Forum «Volga–Caspian: Law and the Green Economy». Elista, May 23-25, 2023. Oral report.
- XXX International Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists «Lomonosov 2023». Moscow, April 10–21, 2023. Oral report.
- «Russian Geobotany: results and prospects» (to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Geobotany of the BIN). St. Petersburg, September 26-30, 2022. The poster.
- V (XIII) International Botanical Conference of Young Scientists. Russia, St. Petersburg, April 22-28, 2022. Oral report.
- Russian scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of regional development» dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute for Integrated Research of Arid Territories». Russia, Elista, October 18, 2019. Oral report.
- IV (XII) International Botanical Conference of Young Scientists. Russia, St. Petersburg, April 22-28, 2018. Oral report.
- International Scientific Conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists «Lomonosov 2016». Russia, Moscow, April 15, 2016. The poster.
Professional memberships:
Selected publications:
Goryaev I.A., Ulanova S.S. Formation diversity of ecotone vegetation «water–land» Of the Sostinsky landscape region (the Kumo-manych depression, Kalmykia). Botanicheskii zhurnal.. 2023. 108(9): 62–71. [In Russian]
Safronova I.N., Stepanova N.Yu., Karimova T.Y., Ulanova S.S., Fedorova N.L., Goryaev I.A., Poluektov S.A., Polyakov D.G. The Map of the Current Vegetation on the Territory of Distribution of the Population of Saiga tatarica tatarica L. in the North-Western Caspian Region. Arid Ecosystems. 2023. 13(3): 276–284.
Goryaev I.A., Safronova I.N. Halocnemeta Strobilacei Formation in the Caspian Lowland: Ecological–Phytocoenotic Classification and Characteristic Plant communities. Arid Ecosystems. 2022. 12(4): 414–421.
Goryaev I.A., Safronova I. N. Halocnemeta Strobilacei Formation in the Caspian Lowland: Ecological-Phytocoenotic Classification and Characteristic Plant communities. Arid Ecosystems. 2022. 12(4): 414–421.
Goryaev I.A. Rare halophytes communities on the Caspian lowland in Kalmykia. Vestnik kompleksnykh issledovanii aridnykh territirii. 2022. 1(44): 28–36.
Goryaev I.A. About some rare halophyte (Frankenieta hirsutae, Neocaspieta foliosae, Spirobassieta hirsutae) formations in Kalmykia. Vestnik kompleksnykh issledovanii aridnykh territirii. 2021. 2(43): 35–41.
Goryaev I.A., Korablev A.P. Halophytes vegetation in the West Caspian lowland. Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2020. 13(5): 514–521.
Goryaev I.A., Korablev A.P. Halophytes vegetation in the West Caspian lowland. Sibirskii Ekologicheskii zhurnal. 2020. 27(5): 623–631. [In Russian]
Goryaev I.A. Halophytic wormwoods on the Сaspian lowland (in Kalmykia). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2019. 104(1):93–107. [In Russian]
Goryaev I.A. Regularities of distribution of halophytic vegetation on the Caspian lowland. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2019. 104(7):60–77. [In Russian]
Goryaev I.A. About halophytic vegetation on the Caspian lowland. Vestnik kompleksnykh issledovanii aridnykh territirii. 2019. 1(38): 43–45. [In Russian]
Stepanova N.Yu., Goryaev I.A., Poluektov S.A., Safronova I.N. A new species to the flora of Russia, new and rare species to the flora of Kalmykia. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2017. 102(1):116–120. [In Russian]
Lazareva V.G., Goryaev I.A., Kharitonov Ch.S. On the problem of spatial demographic structure and ontogenesis of Halocnemum strobilaceum [(Pall.) Bieb.] in the republic of Kalmykia. Yug Rossii: ekologiya, razvitie. Kratkie soobshcheniya. 2016. 11(1):193–198. [In Russian]
Lazareva V.G., Bananova V.A., Kharitonov Ch.S., Goriaev I.A., Van Dung Nguen Indicative role of vegetation in the reclamation of Precaspian arid landscapes (The Republic of Kalmykia). Yug Rossii: ekologiya, razvitie. Ekologiya rastenii. 2016. 11(3):151–164. [In Russian]