Anastasia Babro
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Research Scientist
Research interests:
- Embryology and reproductive biology of Rhododendron (Ericaceae), Helianthus (Asteraceae).
- Pollen viability, seed productivity, apospory.
Keywords: Helianthus, Rhododendron, anther, microsporogenesis, ovule, seed, apospory, introduction
Education and work experience:
Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical Academy named after S.M. Kirov; Master’s degree of Forestry.
Post-graduate course in Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2001 – until now – employee of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Member of research team:
- 2012-2014. Scientific research programme of DBS RAS «Biological resourses of Russia: their dynamic in conditions of global climatic and anthropogenous influences». Project: «Elaboration of the Theory of reproduction and Biosystems – cell, anther, embryo, seed and their use in biotechnology of resource species».
- 2012-2014. Programme of fundamental research of RAS Presidium «Living nature: modern state and problem of development». Project: «Elaboration of the integrated database on developmental biology».
- 2011-2013 RFBR: № 11-04-01466. «Morphoprocesses in different pathways of reproduction from the positions of non-traditional approaches and notions».
Selected publications:
Voronova O.N., Babro A.A. Formation of embryo sac, development of ovule and seed in Helianthus ciliaris and H. tuberosus (Asteraceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2021. 106(3): 239–254. [In Russian].
Voronova O.N., Babro A.A. Early stages of formation of female reproductive structures in Helianthus ciliaris and H. tuberosus (Asteraceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2018. 103(4): 488—504.
Babro A.A., Voronova O.N. Development of male reproductive structures in Helianthus ciliaris and H. tuberosus (Asteraceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2018. 103(9): 1093-1108.
Babro A.A., Shamrov I.I., Anisimova G.M. Peculiarities of microspore development in Rhododendron schlippenbachii and R. luteum (Ericaceae) before winter dormancy period. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2018. 103(11): 1472-1482.
Shamrov I.I., Babro А.А. Deveopment and structure of gynoecium and ovule in Rhododendron schlippenbachii and R. luteum (Ericaceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2009. 94(1): 58-74.
Shamrov I.I., Babro А.А. Anther development and structure in Rhododendron schlippenbachii and R. luteum (Ericaceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2008. 93(8): 1219-1239.
Babro А.А., Anisimova G.M., Shamrov I.I. Reproductive biology of Rhododendron schlippenbachii and R. luteum (Ericaceae) in the introduction in botanical gardens of Saint-Petersburg. Rastitel’nye resursy. 2007. 43(4): 1-13.